Meet Create

The Best the Industry Has to Offer


Megan and Stacey Valnes met in 2003 and created their own brokerage in 2004 from humble beginnings, working out of their garage in the Sunset Park community of Santa Monica. The company was originally named Sunset Park REALTORS, and later changed to Valnes and Company. In 2014 Stacey designed their agency and current space at 1712 Ocean Park Boulevard in Santa Monica where they host local artists and art events as a non-profit, bringing the community together. They have grown into one of the most successful independent boutique real estate agencies on the west side. Along with their real estate efforts, Stacey and Megan have six kids together. They live in Topanga Canyon on three acres where they homeschool their kids and hang out with a herd of dairy goats along with a few other critters on the family farm!  Personal transformation, helping others, and raising happy creative kids is their mission.

Work With Us

Buying or selling a home can be complicated. At Create, we strive to clarify and simplify the process for you through active communication and diligent follow-through.

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