Honoring the Mothers in our Lives
MAY 5, 2021
Sunday is Mother’s Day and I’d like to take this opportunity to honor all the mothers out there in internet land. Becoming a mother is a biological miracle, however, being a present and loving mother is something like a spiritual phenomenon because we are never really taught how to mother, are we? Our childhood experiences serve as learning tools, but some of us grow up in less than ideal circumstances with mothers who are just doing their best to survive. When one is in survival mode, there’s not a lot of room for thriving, creativity, nurturing and presence. While the bad news may be that the kid takes the hit, the good news is that humans, especially children, are incredibly resilient. Whatever negative traits we learned as children can be unlearned as adults, if we put in the required time and effort. And so I give a big kudos to all the moms out there doing their best to create a safe environment for their kids to thrive in, especially if they did not grow up with that same luxury themselves.
Also, a big shout out to all the single moms putting in long hours of commitment to their children’s wellbeing. I see you ladies; working, cooking, orchestrating, and being present for your kids emotionally and physically. I see how many of your own desires go unfulfilled because you put the kids first, so let me take a moment to give you my respect and a virtual hug. Your greatness inspires me to be better.
Happy Mother’s Day toe mamas wh all tho have been through pregnancy but don’t have a physical child to show for it. I see you too. The pain of losing a pregnancy or child is real and incredibly deep, so I’d like to take a moment to honor all of the women out there who have lost a child, whether during pregnancy or in life. May their spirit bless you this Mother’s day and always.
And finally, a big HUGE Happy Mother’s Day to all the Grandmothers out there! The wise women, the way-showers, the ones who raised us! Thank you for using your wisdom as a guiding light for the rest of us to see with. In a society that seemingly values youth over all else, I hold your hard-earned experience in the highest regard.
As we head into this weekend celebrating the mothers in our lives, I also want to remind all the mothers reading this blog that there is no such thing as the perfect mother. With six children myself, I find that I pivot from kid to kid according on what they need in any given moment. Sometimes I win and sometimes I fail. My personal measuring stick is the happiness of my children and everyday I set the intention to be the best I can be, but being the human that I am, I don’t always live up to my own expectations. And that’s okay. The older I get, the more I realize that everything (and I mean everything) is a learning experience. We’re here for the lessons. So instead of comparing myself to other mothers, I embrace my own perfect imperfections and I encourage all of my mama tribe to do the same. Happy Mother’s Day!
​​​​​​​ABOUT ME
Hi, I’m Megan and a beautifier, mother of 6 children, wife, unschooler, Realtor, small-family farmer, small business owner, and aspiring creative finding my outlet through writing. I enjoy thinking outside of the box, exploring, and challenging the paradigms set forth by society.
Instagram: MomWifeSuperStar
Contact: ​​​​[email protected]