It's All About Us
August 11th, 2021
Residential real estate at it’s finest is a community based enterprise which includes many components.
In other words, as real estate agents, it is vital that we come together with the communities we serve in order to bring different people from different parts of the neighborhood together.
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about collaboration and how we, as a small business at Valnes & Company, can use our strong footing in the community to help other small businesses, artists, entrepreneurs, charities, etc, find their footing as well.
For example, our next postcard mailer is going to feature a local artist of a local neighborhood because we believe it’s a great way to get art into the hands of people who may have otherwise never seen it. It’s also a creative way to promote an artist who might not have access to such a large audience. Finally, it’s a delightful way to knit a relationship with not only the artist, but with the community of homeowners, artists, and other real estate agents alike. Maybe other real estate agencies will decide to collaborate with a new up and coming artist or business and thereby the love is really spread! These kind of thoughts make me feel happy.
While it may seem, and at times it does indeed become, all about the sales, I believe there is more to the industry than just trading houses. The potential for depth of cause is there...why do we do what we do? Can we use our own leverage to help lift other members of our communities up?
The answer is yes. If you have the power to help someone else find their power, by all means do so because there’s certainly no shortage of potential out there. Humans tend to think that there’s only so much room at the top and that’s a flawed premise. The top is infinite. There’s room for everyone and then some! So don’t be afraid to promote others because you fear it will take away from you. Quite the opposite is true, in fact. When we give, we really do open the door to receiving.
I will conclude today with a quote from the queen, Ms. Maya Angelou: “When you learn, teach. When you get, give.” Maya Angelou
Hi, I’m Megan and a beautifier, mother of 6 children, wife, unschooler, Realtor, small-family farmer, small business owner, and aspiring creative finding my outlet through writing. I enjoy thinking outside of the box, exploring, and challenging the paradigms set forth by society.